Outliner Page-With-Arrow Icon Meaning?

Hello, does anyone know what this icon means in the outliner?

It appears as a sheet of paper, or page, with an arrow on it. It is preventing me from moving my rig anywhere or doing anything with it. It occurs when I append my character rig. I have to undo and try again and it seems to only work 50% of the time.

Video posted showing the bug:

Windows 7
Blender 2.78a

A linked object ? https://www.blender.org/manual/data_system/linked_libraries.html

Why does this occur when Appending and not Linking?

Did you perhaps append a linked object?
Try appending the “original”.

The object is the original, nothing should be linked.

I am refreshing this thread because a few months later the bug persists.

I have updated to 2.78a hearing it fixed some problems with Appending being confused with Linking (which sounds like my problem), but still in 2.78a the bug persists.

I have created a video showing exactly my problem: