Texturing job!

Hey guys, anyone want to texture this dude? I got the concept from creatureBox but do anything with him!

Creature.blend (1.84 MB)

I’ll give it a shot. No promises. What should I do with the finished blend? Post on here?

Here you go! Put quite a bit of work into this, hopefully you like it! 3 dif color textures included for you to use, along with PSD files.

Color map:



Nice team effort, guys.


Nice model…:slight_smile:

Here is My shot . Nothing special…Body is painted rest is shaders…Was Fun to make…::slight_smile:
I reused a old location…In Memory for will Eisner…Puff Puff

Thanks for the Fun Juizoi.


WOAH GROOVY, love the colours man, you’ve got a good style brother!


I Love Color…So Thank You…Glad You like it…Puff Puff

I like Your Model.

There was only a few little thing I need to tweak to get it right…:slight_smile:



I had another location in mind when I saw Your Model…It is not this one but it’s part of the location i thought on…Puff Puff

I want to get Him more in focus but I need to learn some more…Or I’m to stressed…:slight_smile:

