T+ Copy

Collection of duplication tools for 2.78+

The Panels are adaptable can be place in
Toolshelf [T] / Property shelf [N] / Properties: ‘Object’ TAB
A included Menu have [ALT+SHIFT+Q] as shortcut

Version #v1.6:
github: toolplus_copy_v1.6.zip

Tip: Making offset arrays with Radial Clone

  1. choose axis and amount
  2. enable Transfom (this makes automatic a copy of the selected active object)
  3. use an Location Transform for offset
  4. Press Repeat (maybe several times) and choose new amount
  5. if enough disable Transform

Thanks mkbreuer but the pictures below “copy to faces” don’t display :frowning:

It is a animated GIF!

Here is your link on Vivaldi:

EDIT: idem on firefox last release!

this are all links for the how to gif:

> deleted…

Always same errors! No permission here from France.:frowning:

The same error for me too. “Error 403”

And the “Advance Copy”(error: Advanced) don’t run correctly here at home!

i changed the link release. please try it again:

> copy to faces:

> empty array (template / array modifier):

> curve array (array modifier):

> dupli to active:

Version v1.2: menu / help & dropdown for ArrayTools / small bug fixing

@spirou4d: i found no updated version for Advance Copy
maybe you can show explain more details about the bugs?

Version v1.3: reorder / add Copy to Mesh (Copy2)
> see first post

Thanks , for the update what theme do you use ? :slight_smile:

Night Theme! (WIP)

Version v1.4: reorder / reduzed to essential
> see first post

With the Make link Data Button. There must be an unlinks data. Im always confuse for the object or material that are link and to unlink i have to go here and there if there is a button unlink its great to use. Thanks

Thankyou for your great work mkbreuer.

Ok! I agree! I made a small update in the panel and menu.

Thanks if u notice and update but when i went to the page and download the zip file with right click save as. Why the size is so heavy 7.6Mb for and addon. Ok after downloading and installing user preferences zip file i cant find the addon in the list. I have search for plus, tool but nothing it find out in search bar. Im using 2.79. I have to activate now so how can i search or find. Thanks

Just search by name: copyshop

cant find http://pasteall.org/pic/index.php?id=120475