selectedBOUNDS [0.7a] [2.79]

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Overview - 3DS Max style selected bounds of the active or selected objects. Completely unnecessary but it looks awesome.


  1. Simple toggle in the 3D view Display panel (Property Shelf)
  2. Customizable in thickness, length and color
  3. Options specific to the scene or globally
  4. Persistent, no need to call an operator each time, just activate the toggle.

Fixed an unregister bug

Clicking the Use Object Color option will now change the color changer over to the objects color.

Added a None option to the selection bounds Mode menu.

Another update for you guys, when the addon is enabled you can now enable the selection bounds in the addon preferences, no need to restart.

Thanks proxe,
A feature that miss in Blender indeed!

Thanks Spirou4D!

Just did another update, added some user preferences, and the ability to save your preferred defaults (right click menu; restore defaults) with a nice save button in the user preferences, you will likely need to restart blender or open a new file to get it to work, let me know if you guys break anything!

Thank you very much, you can enable only render and to see that selection

No its always visible, except when viewport shading is set to render.

0.5 released, many improvements in regards to usability centered around the addon preferences.

0.6; Selected bounds will now only display in object or edit mode, while the shading mode is in solid or wireframe and they will hide when the render only option in the 3d view’s display panel is on. You can also hide the bound indicators by switching the mode to None in the 3D view’s display panel.

Another small update, added a toggle button to the display panel rather then a menu option, added some more user preferences.

0.7: Bound indicators will now properly respect the object’s X-Ray option.

This is a fun project, never dived into OpenGL before and required the knowledge for some of my other addons, I may do more addons like this in the future, feel free to leave suggestions here.

Nice more and more Nice! :cool:

Thanks proxe, really helpful especially heights in edit mode.

Fixed an issue where the grid axis would not display properly unless the object’s x-ray option was enabled.

There was probably a few other drawing errors there that were fixed.

Thanks JuhaW!

I have found it to be helpful too, easy to get an idea just how much space your model is occupying.

By version 1.0 the default color will likely be; Red: 1.0, Blue: 1.0, Green: 1.0, Alpha: 0.5

And the default pixel width will be 1px

I have found this to be a good compliment to the grid floor while using the default theme and it keeps the bound indicators from being in the way too much, ofcourse I provided all the options you need to customize this however you wish.

Thanks for this great addon. It provides great visual feedback and is nice and lightweight when working with high density meshes.

Some suggestions:

  • An option for it to use the Theme colors for objects in the 3D View (User Preferences > Themes > 3D View > ThemeView3D.object_selected, .object_grouped, .object_active and .object_grouped_active).
  • An option for it to display a single large bounding box around all the selected objects when in “Selected Objects” mode, rather than a separate box for each object.

It would also be nice if the bounding box grew to envelop particles emitted by selected objects.

Those are all great suggestions, Absolutely :slight_smile:

One of the primary goals of this addon is to be able to use it at all times without performance cost, so far It has performed very well.

Small update, changed the position of the selected bounds toggle to the top of the panel, it felt out of place at the bottom.