Spark-Portal as seen in the new Doctor Strange. Particle physics help?

I’m currently trying to recreate the spark-portal effect seen in the new Doctor Strange from Marvel.

Right now I have this (Which, yes, looks crap.)

I am aware that I need WAY more particles and I need to tighten it in toward the torus a lot more, but how? Can I get some help here? I’ve tried using a vortex, but I couldn’t make it feel right. The particles moved too fast and uniformly through the vortex, and worst of all, they didn’t shoot off scattering into the scene.

Thanks in advance.

There is a tutorial on how to make a galaxy that has some similarities with what you want to achieve.
Basically it uses a force field and several obstacles so that the particles make spiral arms.
Based on that, I see the portal as a torus-shaped galaxy with very short arms.

Here is the tutorial:

Here’s an interview on the VFX of the movie, haven’t read it yet but it could give you some hints, maybe.

Big skinny torus, try messing with initial velocity vector settings maybe?

Haven’t seen the movie but I will watch it later.

Nice Job,

I created 4 cloned particle systems and put them on independent layers with independent force fields. This way I was able tweak the flow of the particles of each system without affecting the other systems.

I added fire to one of the rings. I think with a day or more of tweaking you could get the exact effect.


Heres a short video of the project.

Thanks for the ideas, guys! Using multiple particle systems didn’t even cross my mind