Blocky Fluid, even with a resolution of 150/45!

Hello blender artists,

Currently I’m working on fluid simulation. in which I want to pour molten iron material into a mold and open it at the end with a solid name appearing.

I have following problem: The fluid isn’t a fluid at all, it looks like a bunch of lego bricks with fluidish behaviour.

I’ve tried to increase the resolution but it didn’t fix it at all, the blocks just looked better. Also I’ve tried to use the remesh modifier, but it also didn’t work.

Here is a picture of the “fluid” with it’s domain settings:

Here is the blender file (I hope the baking settings are in it): iron_pouring.blend (622 KB)

I hope someone here knows what is going on and can help me.

Greetings Nilau

You have set the fluid viewport display to 'Preview so you are seeing the 45 resolution, not the 150 resolution.
Also 150 is not very high for a fluid simulation

Wow I feel so bad right now. This simple button was the problem…

Thank you Richard!