Smooth Shade Broken on GTX1060

Can anyone with a 1060 confirm if they have this same problem. The smooth shade display mode is broken, it triangulates the polys, and the shading looks very much flat shaded on top.

I have a feeling this is related to something with my HW combo. I’ve got a 1060 and an ultra wide monitor 3440x1440. I’ve also updated the 1060 drivers recently.

Here’s a screenshot of how it looks. I don’t wan’t to file a bug report if I can first confirm with others on a 1060 if they have a similar issue.

Odd, after working in Blender for a while, everything is fine again.
I guess it’s fixed, but have no idea how, nor what was causing the issue.

I’ve got that exact same issue on my laptop with a Radeon HD 7670M after installing Linux on it. I just assumed that it was a driver issue that I couldn’t get rid of.

It disappears if you enable ambient occlusion so my workaround has been to just enable it and turn the strength down to 0 but it’s nice to hear that it’s not my drivers then.

I did revert my drivers though, after I initially posted here. But it did not help, I still had the issue. Also rebooted a couple of times while dealing with the driver.

The thing is, after all that I still had the same problem. Then started playing with the SkinModifier building a base for a character, and midway through SmoothShade started working well. No reboots, and did not close Blender, did not tweak any settings in Blender, it was seemingly just out of the blue. Saved a new StartupFile, and now it boots up properly every time. It’s very odd for sure. After your comment, I’m feeling that this could be reported as a bug. Let’s see if anyone else is going to chime in and report having this same issue.

At one point this was caused by NodeWrangler, 2 months ago or so, but should be fixed by now. Do you build Blender yourself? Did you upgrade to latest version? Latest addons?

I don’t build Blender on my own, I use buildbots. I do have Node Wrangler enabled.
Good to know, if it pops back up I’ll try toggling the addon see if it helps.

Looks like the same thing that was talked about in this thread. If I build myself it seems to go away, but I’ve never been able to figure out what actually causes it.

Yeah, pretty sure that’s it.
Oh man, this is gonna be hard to track. Seems it pops up randomly on different platforms and HW (I’m on Windows7 64, GTX1060).
The odd thing is, I don’t even know that I’ve done something that triggered the fix on my end. I’ll keep an eye on this.
Thanks everyone for popping by and confirming!

I’ve only recently started using Blender, but I’ve had this problem in some builds I tried. I’ve tried running 2 copies of different builds one bugged and one not bugged and the shading behaves differently - One totally fine smoothed objects; the other these artifacts all over the place.
I’m using windows 10 x64 with an intel i7 4770k / gtx 650 ( :frowning: ) and nvidia drivers 376.53, even tho i updated those and nothing changed.
current build im using - 2.79. I know I know it’s experimental BUT I’ve had the problem pop up in 2.78 also.

btw in edit mode it’s all fine unless u use Matcaps or go in object mode!

Mine was stemming from the “3d View : Cursor Control” addon. I installed Linux and therefore installed blender too with my old settings and the shading problem was there. SO i decided it’s not the drivers and started searching for the problem in the addons one by one.
Turns out when you have that addon enabled and press N twice in 3d view you get the weird shading. Solution deactivated the addon and forget about it untill a stable non buggy version is out! cheers