How to Re-Pack a file in Blender?

Hi All,

When I save my .blend file I get a few error messages like this:
Unable to pack file, source path ‘G:\Desktop\Textures\Texture_Chipboard.jpg’ not found

That’s fine. I do have the .jpg file saved elsewhere.
How do I stick that .jpg back into my .blend file so it just stops giving this message on each save?

delete the file save file then re open again and

then re load it and re pack I guess!

happy bl

Thanks. That’s what I don’t know how to do.
How do I re-load an image?
Is it via the Image Texture window’s Open button?
Or some other way?

first how did u delete it ?

then to need to save file to get rid of the old file and re open

to re load just click on open in node and get the file

happy bl

I’m not sure.
I think because I saved one .blend to another .blend to keep using the scene setup, but to render different parts.
I kept the lighting, but deleted the old objects. But the image used to render some of those objects must have stayed.

So probably the image isn’t needed in this .blend file

When I click an image file in the image editor, how can I tell if that image is used in this .blend file or not?

If it only says “F” next to it, does that mean it’s not actually used anywhere?

And if it says “4” next to it, how can I tell which four are using it?




( When I click an image file in the image editor, how can I tell if that image is used in this .blend file or not? )

If there are a 0 in front of the Image it will be deleted.

Important to know…Blender delete all file there aren’t used when You close Blender.

F = Fake Read a little about it the Manual.

Here is a real usefull addon to tell You what You need about Materiale…+ a lot more…

If You want to save Your file to/with Blender…You need to go File Menu - External Data…And Tic the Automatcally Pack into Blend box…It will save all file with Blender.:slight_smile:

Hope this help a little…:slight_smile:


you also need to know which files you still need to not !
if not needed then in the UV editor select image and Shift and click on the X beside file’s name
do that for all files not needed
then save file and close it

this will delete all not needed image files

then re open and check if the files are gone for good.

happy bl

Thanks Tai. Thanks Ricky.

you also need to know which files you still need to not !

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. How to know which files are still needed.
If an image has a number next to it, is there a way to find out which things are using that image?

Also, when I click the number, the number goes away and only F is shown. If I then click that F, the number reappears. What is happening when we do that?

F means it is a Fake user and will stay there without being assign to any mesh!

but still can delete it If not needed

you have to select the different UV added in the Data panel near bottom
it should show which mesh or part of mesh has this image

depends if you have multi UV per Mesh on different materials
or only one UV per mesh

happy bl


( If an image has a number next to it, is there a way to find out which things are using that image? )

Download the Addon and You get all the info You ask after… + a lot of usefull tool.
