Individual Object Wire Colour

Is it possible to change an individual object’s wire colour?
So it’s not black.
For example, say you have multiple objects, and you’re viewing them in wireframe mode… you can differentiate them a little better based on their wire colour.
Or say you’re re-topologizing and you’re seeing the black mesh of the object you’re editing, but you also have the wire displayed for the object you’re re-topologizing on because you think it will help. If you can change the colour of the high rez object… it might help lessen the confusion. Maybe?
Thanks you.

That’s a really nice idea. The closest you can do is assign either the high poly or the retopology object to a group. The one that you assign to a group will become green, so when you view them in wire mode one will be green and the other one black of course. Sadly there is no custom coloring edges of individual objects in another way.

Luckily you can change the color of grouped mesh and objects as you desire.