Moved blender folder

Hey guys

is there any way to relink a blender project cos I was organising my stuff to another drive and like an idiot I moved my blender folder with a couple projects that were saved on drive C: for e.g. And now I moved them to drive D:
stupid move I know and I am kicking myself, luckily I wasn’t too far into it, but enough to have that horrible feeling in my stomach when you know you just f**ked up lol

any help would be great, thank you :slight_smile:

for one, backups are your friend. i have 4 different backups.

im not quite sure what you mean by linking? if its images, just re-find them by clicking “replace image” in the image menu. for linked data, im not so sure.

anyway, blender, by default, works in relative paths, so you should be able to move your entire blender folder, but not rearrange within.

from: C:/mycoolstuff/blender/link1.file, link2.file

works: D:/backups/blender/link1.file, link2.file

broken: D:/backups/blender_bk/link1.file, link2.file
broken: moving link2.file to:

as long as you dont save the broken files, fixing the paths will return things to normal, saving them will just replace links with empties.

im pretty sure this is how it works. some one correct me if im wrong. i still use 2.74.

thanks for the reply, yeah I normally back everything up, but just got this new PC and not got around to it yet. I think I’ll have to start again as the project is working fine but all the materials are pink and gonna be hard to relink every object in the scene as there’s a lot of stuff going on.