CSV model importer?

Hi there,

Wondering if anyone has written or seen a working .CSV model importer lately?
It seems that the two or three out there no longer work - even with going back a bunch of versions.

This is the main addon I’ve been looking at.

The file I’m attempting to import, just a ship from Elite.

Any help - even advice on rewriting the aforementioned addon for 2.78 would be shiny.

I glanced at the code for the addon and saw the fix was very minor.

I forked the repository, made the changes, and issued a pull request. I plan to delete my fork when the master repository accepts the pull request.

In the mean time, you can find the working addon on my github.

Ok cool! Thanks.
Though… I must be doing something wrong. Attempting to install the addon via the normal addon menu still results in it not installing.

EDIT: Got it. Cheers, Doakey!

Hi there!

Any news on this?
I installed Blender 2.79 today and want to import a csv mesh file.
Tried installing sbobovyc’s python script but it wouldn’t appear in testing.
Then I noticed that it’s already in the community add-ons but trying to enable it results in an error:
“Traceback (most recent call last):

AttributeError: ‘_RestrictContext’ object has no attribute ‘scene’”

Is there any way to import csv into Blender 2.79?