Is it possible to change to icons instead of text in the toolbar?


I found this

bpy.types.SpaceView3D.panel_category_icon(“Animation”, icon=‘ANIMATION’, regiontype=‘TOOLBAR’)

Guess animation is just an example. Source:

If it is possible, do I have to link the icons from a folder to the icon=‘example’ on each tool in the toolbar?

(“Create”, icon=‘Tools’
(“Create”, icon=‘Create’

Heres another example. What I want is to have it like the V2:


I simply cannot read the text vertically as it is now, so I hope its possible and I hope they change this in 2.8.

Anyone? :slight_smile:

I like the second one a lot!, nice.

Yes, I really hope its doable and if someone could point me in the right direction.

It would certainly help my toolshelf, which is rather cluttered with must have addons right now. To be able to collapse them to just icons (with a mouse over hint) would be much cleaner.

Its how they should do it in the first place. It cant be that hard to link a icon to the tools without having to rewrite the entire toolshelf. I have no what so ever experience in coding, Im just copying and pasting. If finding icons is a problem I could help there with making them in Photoshop. I could pay to get someone to do this, so we dont have to twist our necks to see what tool (or find a tool) we are working with.