Video game project - rigger - mr tic toc & the endless city

Hello Everyone!

My name is Cedric Babouche. I am director and art director in animation for 15 years.
You can see my work here:

Accompanied by a friend, we took advantage of a break in my schedule to develop a project “Mr Tic Toc and the endeless city”. It is a 3D click and play game, probably on Unity, which would be between Machinarium, monument valley and Professor Layton. I know, it’s a lot of different references but it’s the best way for me to explain the spirit of the project in very few words :wink:
On this occasion I did a predev that was noticed by Sony.
This predev, included a camap , an animation of the main character and some illustrations.

We are also moving forward on the game design document.
The story deals with Mr Tic toc, a collector, who lives in the city of antique dealers. He wants to use a time machine to go back in time to find all the most beautiful treasures of humanity before everyone and become the biggest collector of all time. But of course, the machine goes haywire. He becomes stuck in time but in the same place. On the same island.
He will have to solve puzzles through time to go home. These enigmas will be solved on one epoch but most of them will be solved by traveling from one time to another (planting a seed in the Middle Ages, will allow you to climb on a grown up tree in 1900 and access a house you couldn’t access before for example)
7 epochs will be visited (prehistory, aged stone, antiquity, Middle Ages, 1800, 1900, 3000)

So far, the tests have been done on blender by me. Thanks to Marc Albinet’s advices (game designer on Assassin’s creed unity) and some other professionals i met during my very short experience in the video game industry, we’ve decide to do a “proof of concept”. Basically, a precalculated video / teaser of 1m30 which would show what the game will look like. Our goal is to have a base for discussion with potential future publishers, for example Sony who has offered to present the project when it will be ready, or the ability to look for other sources of funding. The feedbacks on the projects are all very positive. We will do the game in one way or another.

I have my own production company, Dandelooo, in which I will file the project, but the company does not have the objective of financing the project until we’ll have finished this model.
Michel and I are, therefore, working for free but passionately on this project.
After the project was analyzed in the current state, we targeted a lack of competence in this first manufacturing step.

That is why we are looking for a rigger to help us achieve our hero.

I have made myself the rigging on the current version but it is limited and I am not a specialist. My skills will allow me to do simple rigs on secondary characters and I’ll be able to manage the modeling, texturing, animation and rendering but I would like to be accompanied by a person really competent for the rig under blender for Mr. Tic Toc.

According to our schedule, we would only need help on 7 days spread over several weeks / months since we do not work on the project full-time. Mr Tic Toc model is done already and we’d like to have a rigged model by the end of March if possible.

As I pointed out earlier, we do not have funding and my experience in the audiovisual field makes me prefer not to make empty promises.
Obviously, if the project proceeds concretely, that person will probably join our team if he/she wants to but, for now, I absolutely cannot guarantee it. We hope to meet a person who will have a crush for the project and who would like to join the project by passion in a 1st time. The quality of what we produce will, I hope, do the rest.

I hope that these few elements will make you want to join us.
I am at your disposal to answer your questions / comments and send you, for the interested persons, the project in the current state of its development.

Have a wonderful 2017 year :smiley:


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