Age range- What age range are you in? Only two categories


I was curious to get a rough age range on here for the blender game engine.

Where is the poll?
I choose 20-25
EDIT: There is difference from 20 to 55…

Unfortunately, I only wanted to put it into two catgegories, those in the teenage years and those after twenty. Of course you can be specific with age if you’d like.

I’m twenty seven, but I really don’t care for specifics.

I can’t edit the poll to add more.

55 plus would have been useful.

I’m in the 20-30 year age group.

years of gaming experience might have served you better
many times an experienced teenager gets bored pretty quickly playing monotone games over & over, while on the other hand even a newbie oldtimer can’t handle same simple game

30 yr range

Twenty one users on here for the game engine.

It is good to know how old is the person you are talking with. Me 30+

Yes interestlly, so seventeen including myself are aged between 20 and 55. Most likely not many beyond 50.

I identify as a 6 year old. Please don’t assume my age because it triggers me.

I am a 33 year old, My real name is Jacob Merrill, I certified in Autocad and mechanical desktop, but I hate that program =p (it’s so cold and dead compared to Blender)

I am a nurse, and a father of a daughter with autism,

My daughters mother is disabled, and can’t walk or use her right hand barley.

I work during the day (sometimes) on wrectified when my daughter is at school.

I always have my phone though so I can always help on the forums, or on chat.

Thanks for sharing BPR haha, I’m always interested in people’s personal lives for some reason. I guess I’m nosy that way lol, though I’m not usually willing to ask about it unless they offer to or I know them well enough.

Also, I’m 20 going on 21 in about a month.

Blueprint did it so I guess I might too.

I am 16 years old (17 in may). My real name is Nicholas Anderson. I work as a skate guard at a local ice rink. I can speak English and Russian. (I am part Russian but also Swedish.) I live in the U.S. and I have to say that it is not the best country to live in. I would much rather live in Italy.

You are very young, you’re living in the states by yourself then?

I am between the age of 30-50.

nope, I live with my parents.

Ah okay. so you all moved over.

Lostscience, so you are older than me then.

I am a 33 year old, My real name is Jacob Merrill, I certified in Autocad and mechanical desktop, but I hate that program =p (it’s so cold and dead compared to Blender)

I am a nurse, and a father of a daughter with autism,

My daughters mother is disabled, and can’t walk or use her right hand barley.

I work in game industry for 10 years 'till now. It is not as fun as most of you thinks…mostly daily problems and routine work. I had a wife for 8 years and no children. She left me and now I’m alone with no wife and children.
You have someone to care about and love…that is something very special and gives you a reason to live and prosper, no matter the problems.
Working in game industry is very hard business and mostly very ungrateful, so kudos to you struggling to make a game worth playing.

Game development is like acting, the contract is there, and then it ends. Entertainment will always be like that, since people are temporarily distracted by it.