Interface question

How do I change defaults in file browser? Blender defaults to alphabetical with no dates. I prefer to lest my files by date with dates showing. I can to it in the file browser tab, but it doesn’t stay. It always reverts back to default. Thanks.


I had the same question. This should be what you’re looking for (courtesy of Richard Marklew):

I saw this page, but couldn’t find out where this add-on is. I tried turning the code into a python script and put it in startup folder, but that didn’t work. Any clues where I find this add-on? Thanks.

Copy all the code from the link, paste it into Notepad, save it as a .py file, go into Blender’s User Preferences panel, go to the Add-ons tab, then at the bottom left, click Install from File, select the new .py, and find the new add-on by going to the menu strip on the left side and selecting “User” under “Categories”. Check the checkbox to enable it. Finally save your new settings.

Thanks for the tip, however it is not working. It does not appear in my " User " preferences. or in any other for that matter. I am using Blender 2.78a. Is there possibly some change that is not allowing this script to work? Thanks.

OK, sorry. I think I screwed up. You don’t “save it as a .py file”, you save it as a .txt and then rename it as a .py file. Otherwise you get something like " If you don’t see the file extensions, on Windows, go to Start, search for “file extensions”, select the top result from the Control Panel and make sure the “Hide extensions for known file types” checkbox is unchecked.

Once your text/script file is a true .py, then Blender shouldn’t have any trouble finding it.

No, you didn’t screw up. I did exactly what you suggested. It just isn’t working. Thanks.

BTW, I am on a Mac.

Works beautifully for me and is making my life a lot easier. How about some details on what the problem is? Are you getting stuck in the install process or were you able to install and activate it but without any effect?

I created a python file with the script. I went to blender user prefs and selected install from file. Nothing happens. Blender doesn’t crash. File browser does not reflect what shows on that page you shared. This is what appears in python console:

PYTHON INTERACTIVE CONSOLE 3.5.2 (default, Oct 24 2016, 10:41:27) [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)]

Command History: Up/Down Arrow
Cursor: Left/Right Home/End
Remove: Backspace/Delete
Execute: Enter
Autocomplete: Ctrl-Space
Zoom: Ctrl +/-, Ctrl-Wheel
Builtin Modules: bpy,, bpy.ops, bpy.props, bpy.types, bpy.context, bpy.utils, bgl, blf, mathutils
Convenience Imports: from mathutils import *; from math import *
Convenience Variables: C = bpy.context, D =

I’m still not getting a step by step picture of what’s going on, but might still be able to help.

This BA forum should be able to help you if the script simply isn’t appearing in the User Pref. window after pressing “Install from File”.

If you are able to see and select the Python script, but don’t have any result whatsoever, then your Python script is incompatible or corrupt in some way (Blender won’t grant you an error message). I would say double check the contents but have a feeling you have already done so. My best advice is to rename the forum title to add “[UNSOLVED]” to the beginning and hope that someone much smarter than me will chime in and help :slight_smile: