Vertex paint mixed with textures in Cycles

I can get them to work alone but can’t get them to work on the same object, example I can get a skin I painted in blender render with using vertex paint built in brushes switching to cycles then using nodes input vertex color, diffuse BSDF, and material, but I can’t figure out how to get my vertex paint to work over a UV.

Vertex paint doesn’t use UVs. You can access it with the attribute node, by putting the name of the vertex color layer in the attribute name (normally ‘Col’).

mix the colors with suitable blending mode

That’s how I got vertex colors to work in cycles in the first place but I can’t add a uv texture over it?

Mixing vertex colors and a UV texture is as simple as using a color mix node to combine the output of an image texture node and an attribute node. It doesn’t have to be one or the other (for best results, use a mix type other than just ‘mix’).

I tried using a mixRGB as well i couldn’t get it to work. this is my node setup in cycles what am i doing wrong?

I notice the attribute node isn’t hooked up to anything, everything needs a connection to another node or the output to function.

lol, oops should have mentioned that I did hook the attribute node to DiffuseBSDF and that to material node which did work.

but if i do that I can’t use a UV texture node on the same mesh. Attribute node doesn’t have an output…

The attribute node has three outputs, color ,vector and fac. Maybe this will help you:

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Thank you!! How do you export this to web GL? does it pick up attributes?