I need help please

Hello guys, I am new to this site and blender so excuse me if the answer is simple, but I would like to add a space background to this but it will not work. any answers?

P.s the image is the space background at the bottom and i would like the lens distortion to apply only on the planet.

Thank you, Andrew

Welcome to the forum, Andrew!

Does the planet image contain an alpha channel? If not, use a mask or Photoshop to separate the planet from its black background. You have an alpha channel when you see grey plaid behind the planet pre-composite.

The problem is that Blender doesn’t know where the planet ends and where space begins.

Also, this should really be under the “Compositing and Post Processing” sub-forum.

In the future, make sure you give your thread a descriptive title. Something like “compositor doesn’t combine images” or something else that actually describes your problem.

thank you and i will put it under the other sub-form… i do bealive it does have an alpha channel but i can just put the stars on ig photoshop. thank you

In your render settings panel, go to Film, and then check transparent (or alpha) re-render planet and it should work.