How to make an outfit like this?

I have a low poly chibi character I made and looking to make a Japanese uniform for her but can’t find any tuts that aren’t beyond basic shirt making and pants making, I’m still new and need something a bit step by step I’m not sure where to start with this. Thanks for reading…

How is the model used (still rendering, animation, game, 3D printing, other)?
Is there a polygon limit?
Reference for graphic style?
How detailed it should be?
What the model looks now?

Models are made for purpose and all of that can influence the options for making the clothes. Could hand paint the textures, could make high polygon model and use that to bake details for texturing, could use photos in texturing. What is known is that you want to capture the essence of the look, and all textures need geometry to support them.

Looks and complexity change on those.

If you’re making the model just for learning, people probably know to suggest tutorials and what to try when they see what you’re looking for and where you’re now. Exact tutorial might not exist but if you’re learning correctly, should be able to get the information from something else and apply it on your model. Could learn in steps but never learn the steps themselves.