Screen blend mode overflow


I keep running into a problem, or rather I don’t understand it exactly.

Whenever I use Screen blending mode for color mix node there is a dark spot in the brightest area. I assume this has to do with bit overflow, but I am not sure; it’s kind of technical and I would have assumed someone (dev) would have compensated for it already.

I guess it happens because the highlights are above value of 1. Is there a way to fix this?

Clamp your inputs before screening. Screen is meant for data in 0.0-1.0 range, it gets negative with bigger values but not due to some overflow but due to the screen expression itself, which is 1 - (1-A)*(1-B).

Such things are not compensated for, it is up to the user to choose right blending modes and prepare the data for them. Trying to be “smart” in comp operation algorithms does not actually help, it makes things even more hard to understand.