Scene Blender on Python

I installed Blender as Python API and all my scripts work well.
I want to display the result of my scripts on a scene blender in a frame for example and not running all interface blender.
Can you help me to do that please?

What is the difference between your question here and your question here or even here ?

the difference is that i don’t receive a reponse of my question.

Pehaps, That’s probably because nobody could understand correctly your request. It’s not a critic, but you should try to no multiple post, i don’t think it will help you. Perhaps a reformulation and a bigger explanation should help. I’m sorry to no be able to help you more on this side.

ok, thank you


Thanks for your answer. Can you tell me how?

type blenderplayer.exe in console, and all the help will be displayed

usage: blenderplayer.exe [–options] filename.blend

Available options are: [-w [w h l t]] [-f [fw fh fb ff]] [-c] [-g gamengineoptio
ns] [-s stereomode] [-m aasamples]
Optional parameters must be passed in order.
Default values are set in the blend file.

-h: Prints this command summary

-w: display in a window
–Optional parameters–
w = window width
h = window height
l = window left coordinate
t = window top coordinate
Note: To define ‘w’ or ‘h’, both must be used.Also, to define ‘l’ or ‘t’,
all four parameters must be used.
Example: -w or -w 500 300 or -w 500 300 0 0

-f: start game in fullscreen mode
–Optional parameters–
fw = fullscreen mode pixel width (use 0 to detect automatically)
fh = fullscreen mode pixel height (use 0 to detect automatically)
fb = fullscreen mode bits per pixel (default unless set in the blend file
: 32)
ff = fullscreen mode frequency (default unless set in the blend file
: 60)
Note: To define ‘fw’’ or ‘fh’', both must be used.
Example: -f or -f 1024 768 or -f 0 0 16 or -f 1024 728 16 30

-s: start player in stereoscopy mode (requires 3D capable hardware)
stereomode: nostereo (default unless stereo is set in the blend f
anaglyph (Red-Blue glasses)
sidebyside (Left Right)
syncdoubling (Above Below)
3dtvtopbottom (Squashed Top-Bottom for passive glasses)
interlace (Interlace horizontally)
vinterlace (Vertical interlace for autostereo display)
hwpageflip (Quad buffered shutter glasses)
Example: -s sidebyside or -s vinterlace

-D: start player in dome mode
–Optional parameters–
angle = field of view in degrees
tilt = tilt angle in degrees
warpdata = a file to use for warping the image (absolute path)
mode: fisheye (Fisheye)
truncatedfront (Front-Truncated)
truncatedrear (Rear-Truncated)
cubemap (Cube Map)
sphericalpanoramic (Spherical Panoramic)
Example: -D or -D mode cubemap

-m: maximum anti-aliasing (eg. 2,4,8,16)

-i: parent window’s ID

-c: keep console window open

-d: turn debugging on

-g: game engine options:

   Name                       Default      Description
   fixedtime                      0         "Enable all frames"
   nomipmap                       0         Disable mipmaps
   show_framerate                 0         Show the frame rate
   show_properties                0         Show debug properties
   show_profile                   0         Show profiling information
   blender_material               0         Enable material settings
   ignore_deprecation_warnings    1         Ignore deprecation warnings
  • : all arguments after this are ignored, allowing python to access them from

example: blenderplayer.exe -w 320 200 10 10 -g noaudio c:\filename.blend
example: blenderplayer.exe -g show_framerate = 0 c:\filename.blend
example: blenderplayer.exe -i 232421 -m 16 c:\filename.blend

Thank you very much. i have 3 problems:

  • The interface blinks.
  • I can’t move the model 3D with a mouse.
  • I want to embedded it in an existing windws PyQt with this command “blenderplayer -i 232421 -m 16 file.blend” but i don’t know the ID of my windows Qt.
    Can you help me to resolve this?

The Id is the Target windows I think, not the Qt one, the blender one. But dunno how to find the ID anyway.

What about blinks of the interface and moving the model 3D with a mouse?