Add vertices to a Bezier curve at a point?

Currently I’m using subdivide between two vertices to add a vertex on a curve, but it’s added at midpoint between the two vertices. Is there a way to add vertices on a specific point on the curve?


You should be able to edge slide the new vertex to a position of your liking (select and press 2x g)

Now sadly adding new geometry to already existing curves can be a bit of a hassle.
BUT you could always simply convert the curve into a temporary mesh.

In object mode select the curve and press alt+c to convert it and then just use the usualy tools to manipulate the vertices.

Once you are done, simply press alt+c again and convert the mesh back to a cruve.

Btw this could cause some excessive amounts of vertices and usually it’s a better idea (and faster) to get the shape of your curve done via a single edge (or just isolate an edge of a support mesh at the end … that way you can for example use the bevel tool still)

Edge slide new vertex would change the current curvature, it’s not ideal. But converting curve to mesh is a cool trick, thanks. I’m looking to see if a vertex can be added to specific point on a Bezier curve without changing the curvature. Hopefully it will be added in future release. Thanks for the input.

If you have a subdivision modifier on this object, you can reduce the number of generated vertices by turning the subdiv mod off when using either of these conversions.

There’s an addon called Curve Tools that can do this. Don’t confuse it with the Curve Tools section that is by default in the tool shelf under that name.

This is it:

The video is a little outdated. The tool shelf now has tabs, and this addon will be in the Misc section. Edit the curve, and click the subdivide button. As you move the mouse the 3d cursor will move along the curve. If you click, a new node will be created where cursor is. If the curve is cyclic the tool won’t do the part linking the end to the start, but apart from that it works very well.

Cool, thanks for the link.

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