Critiques please, New here and to blender..

Hi, So this is my first attempt at starting something from scratch and not fallowing a tutorial. The Goal of this post is to get honest feed back on what would make this better in terms of photorealistic, so don’t hold back with any comments or suggestions you may have. Thanks!

Since Im still learning blender I decided to attempt to reproduce an image that I liked so I could focus on modeling texturing and lighting. the image I am trying to recreate is Clinton crumpler’s, king wash laundromat, I found on Artists station, ( )

Here is my attempt, Im not in love with the “glow” from the sign, so suggestions or ideas would be super helpful!! I tried to apply a few blurs to the light and the light housing rendered together on a separate layer , as well as just the light alone on a separate layer and ended up using a combination of both in post using Photoshop. I am a Photoillustator/commercial photographer by trade, but am trying to not just “fix” everything in post and learn how to do as much as I can while making the image or rendering it… The inside is all modeled and textured will be recreating all the images from Clinton’s post on artist station, Thought I would post one at a time… Thanks Eric Hinders

ummm yep, sorry right after posting this I realized there was a placed to post images for critiques…

Moved from “Works In Progress” to “Focused Critiques”

Thank you! wont happen again!

nice render,
for me the things to improve are :
-the benches (the height seem wrong)
-the water puddle look to clean like oil
-add a red light to boost the neon