Runman! - A Mildly Entertaining Adventure

I lied, I actually did make another game before Eternity. I just completely forgot about it. I made Runman in my first few months learning how to use Blender, but I never did anything with it because it was so poorly optimized. Now that I “kind of” know what I’m doing with the BGE, I think I’m going to clean it up and either release it as a free game or add some more levels.________________________________________________________________________________________

About the game:
Each level has a digitally handpainted background, a HUD that changes based on your surroundings, and a unique, slightly surreal landscape.

The mechanics are simple. You just move your mouse to steer.

Collect poker chips and robot action figures, avoid merciless zombies, and don’t fall! The most important thing… you never stop running.

Mildly Entertaining Adventure Awaits._____________________________________________________________________________________

I’m not sure if I’m going to try and get everything done right away or work on bits and pieces between other projects. Either way, I’ll post my progress here and have some playable samples soon to get feedback on. I am leaning toward making the game open source, especially if it doesn’t take too much time to optimize.

As simple as the mechanics are, the game can get surprisingly fun and difficult. I’d be interested in getting some feedback on what everyone else thinks.

2/7/17 Level 1 Demo (.blend file):
Controls: ‘Left Shift’ and mouse movement



I’ve started rebuilding the game almost from the ground up. I removed A LOT of the game (including bulky sound files, images, and high poly meshes, unneeded scenes, etc.) and then rebuilt the game to a playable state.

I put together a demo of the first level/world thus far. I’m interested in what you like or don’t like about the game so far, especially regarding visual appearance and mechanics. I’m also interested in what things you would want to see added or changed to make playing the game a better experience.

Standalone Zip(50.09mb):
Blend File(15.9mb):

Thank you for checking out my WIP thread and leaving any feedback you have :slight_smile:

Looks interesting. I’ll give it a try and post some feedback when I get home.

Looks awesome bro i like all the detail and textures you used.
Nice work bro !!!


There’s lots to like about it. the animation is smooth, the graphics looks clean and crisp. The filters work well.

The sounds were OK, I liked the poker Chip noise, very satisfying, but the music was very repetitive.

I didn’t realize you could press shift to run at first. Maybe I didn’t read the instructions. :stuck_out_tongue:
If you have a filter like that it could be good to combine it with your other filter and have them mix using a property (how I do fade from/ to black in my games).

uniform float RGB_scale;
gl_FragColor = mix(vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0), texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture,texCoord), RGB_scale); 

RGB_scale is a float property on your camera, the filter is on a logic brick on the camera and you control the RGB_scale value from 0.0 to 1.0 using python.
Instead of vec4 (0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0) which would be black, you put your sepia filter output here and mix them.

This might look better than just popping back and forth. You could also combine another filter like a zoom filter to show speed.

Here’s a radial blur filter which works well for that:

uniform sampler2D bgl_RenderedTexture;uniform sampler2D bgl_DepthTexture;

const int NUM_SAMPLES = 10;
const float density = 0.2;

uniform float player_x;
uniform float player_y;
uniform float timer;

void main()
    float current_density = density * -RGB_scale;
    vec2 deltaTexCoord = gl_TexCoord[0].st - vec2(player_x,player_y);
    vec2 texCoo = gl_TexCoord[0].st;
    deltaTexCoord *= 1.0 / float(NUM_SAMPLES) * current_density;
    vec4 sample = vec4(1.0);
    float decay = 1.0;
for(int i=0; i < NUM_SAMPLES ; i++)
    texCoo -= deltaTexCoord;
    sample += texture2D(bgl_RenderedTexture, texCoo);

gl_FragColor = sample/float(NUM_SAMPLES);
gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;

Finally, I found the game more fun if I moved the camera in a little, raised it above his head level and gave it a wider lens angle (about 20mm) then i could see where I was going better and didn’t keep falling off cliffs. :slight_smile:

@Smoking_mirror, changing the camera position made a huge difference! Thanks :slight_smile: I also decreased the run speed slightly and it seems to play a little nicer while keeping some difficulty.

I’m not understanding what you mean by mixing the filters together. I’ve tried a few things and haven’t been able to get them to work. Do I add the first code into my sepia filter code?