viewport glsl renders as render pases

Hi, anyone have seen something about using the screen LGLS renders as layers of a more complex rendering, any kind of node setup? is that possible via gamengine to get more complex realtime renders?

Hi again, post a images maybe it explains the idea better:


the firs a glsl screen render of a material whith realtime shadow, second a glsl screen render of a shadeless faked matcap ligting, the third the result of mixing 1 and 2. But… i’ve done whith a external 2d aplication.
Is possible to do that mix automatically in the compositor of blender?

I don’t believe its possible sadly in viewport render. you have to render them out separately and combine them in the compositor

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of course, but. There is a node to mix in a node input of the compositor, both kind of materials (shaded and shadeless) whitout having to save images as a texture?

create your materials
assign each material to a render layer
mix your render layers