URGENT! How can I duplicate an edited hair system?

I have a hair system that has been edited in particle mode.
I want to duplicate that hair system so that I have 2 of the same systems which both keep the edited hair information.
But then I want to be able to change settings and particle edit on one of the systems without it affecting the other system.

I’m pretty sure what I need to be able to do is click “Make Single User”.
However, once you’ve edited the particles, Blender grays out that button and does not allow you to use it.
Is there any way I can override the system to make the duplicated particle system to become a single user?

I need this solution as quickly as possible because I’m on a tight deadline.
I will literally pay for a solution.


You can’t change it’s settings once a particle system has been edited. There is no way around the greyed out settings other than losing your edit, changing the settings and then having to redo the edit you did. That being said, you can change some of the settings which don’t change the underlying hair system. BUT, when duplicated both particle systems seem to share those settings and this means that even when you change the children type(for example) on the one, the other one also gets changed. From what I understand that is the issue you are having?

Way I found around it is to open a new blender and append the particle system twice into that scene. Now they both have the same edit, but you can change the non greyed out parts of the particle system without it changing the other particle system. Hope this helps.

@Siluno Yes, that is the issue I’m having. I want to duplicate an edited particle system and change it from render path to render object (and also be able to re-edit the strands of one system without it affecting the other). But once I change it (child or render settings), it affects the other particle system as well. Both particle systems are sharing the same underlying “edited particle settings”.
Even if you try to rename one of them in the Outliner, it changes the name for both.

Unfortunately, per your suggestion, appending particle systems does not carry over their editing.

I’m guessing this is just another area that Blender is lacking in…

Note sure if this script is really required or not but I think it does solve your problem. Instruction on how to use it are included within the script.


Hope it helps.


copy_hair_edits.zip (1.17 KB)

Oh I do not believe it! I was working from the assumption that Blender wouldn’t let you change an edited hair particle system’s settings in python because you can’t in the UI, but you can!!!

import bpy

selected = bpy.context.selected_objects 
active_ob = bpy.context.active_object
sel_obs = [o for o in selected if o != active_ob]

bpy.ops.particle.copy_particle_systems(remove_target_particles=True, use_active=False)
ps_total = len(active_ob.particle_systems)

for sel_ob in sel_obs:
    for i in range(0, ps_total):
        source_ps = active_ob.particle_systems[i]
        target_ps = sel_ob.particle_systems[i]
        target_ps.settings = source_ps.settings.copy()

Here is a little script with a UI to make it a bit easier to use, it also lets you copy basic hair edits between different particle systems.


Woah!? I saw someone posted a script solution earlier but I didn’t have a chance to try it out.
Would you mind sending me a PM or an email to [email protected]?
I’m willing to pay for the script, if it works :eyebrowlift:


From what I understand this is what you are looking for?

“Unfortunately, per your suggestion, appending particle systems does not carry over their editing.”
You need to append the object which has the particles. Not the particle system itself.

Thanks for the help everyone!
I was able to get a scripted solution working.
Though keep in mind, this is only known to work in Blender 2.78-2.79.

What this script does:
If you duplicate an object that has an edited hair system on it, Blender does not let you make that hair system on the duplicated object a single user. This means you can’t make changes to the second hair system without affecting the hair system on the first object.
This script fixes that problem, and allows you to make an edited hair system a single user.

Install this script as an addon. It will then appear in the sidebar.
hair_tools_v0.6.0.zip (2.7 KB)

Shoutout to Damien who made this script.

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