Comparative modeling 2

I’ve started working on my 2nd round of picking a image I like and learning what it takes to reproduce it, here is where I am at now. I would love to know what you see about mine that would make this more “Photo-realistic”

Here is the image I am reproducing

called Collision by Dax Pandhi, Found on ArtStation.


Are you going for photo-realism of something based off of the reference image, or an exact recreation of the image?

Im going for photo-realism, I choose this time around to not do an exact recreation of the image, The processes, Im doing to learn blender is to fine images I like, and recreate them, the first one I did, was an attempted at an exact copy. from there the “Idea” becomes more and more based of my interpretation. thought behind learning blender this way is I can focus more on the execution of creating the image and less on the idea… until I have a better grasp how to accomplish my “Orig” ideas.

Thanks for your reply!

I like it, that’s funny and makes no sense, especially yours because it doesn’t seem to be on a beach so I find it more absurd, plus your shark is bigger, almost alone and half-way through the water so he looks quite stupid. Maybe I’m not getting it though.

Now for the photorealism in you version, here are the issues I see right away :

  • level of detail : look at the sand in the original. I highly recommend using microdisplacement on both the ground and your rocks
  • The grass is way too uniform. You should add different species and some bushes
  • The water has no fresnel. The original has it. If you don’t know what fresnel is or how to make it properly, see this Blender Guru tutorial.
  • The landscape is empty. On the original the sand dune is hiding everything, but in your case we can see all the way until your ground plane ends, and then just sky. Find a way to hide the horizon or if you wanna say we’re above the sea level and close to the beach then make us see the sea in the horizon, even if you have to cheat a bit.
  • his tail is bending too much in a small area. Have you seen a shark tail ? It’s like pretty hard. And Shark Tale is pretty hard to watch too.