A question about professional workflow

I was wondering how professional work and how they manage their work. After spending week with 12 principles of Animation Watching tutorials and reading books. I didn’t get anything about this question in my mind. but atleast thisa time I knew where to ask it. So the question is dis pros work their shots in same project file or they create different project save files for next shot in same movie. ( I know it’s a. dumb question) 2nd question - I saw some tutorials in which people pose only the portion of the character which will be seen through camera .but in some community or website. there are some Professionals ( they worked in famous movies like Incredible hulk, Transformers etc) in their tutorials they pose full characters. and they just fix minor issue which can be seen through camera! so which method is better ? my English horrible I know ! :slight_smile:

Interesting, is there a link to those professional tutorials ?
IMHO it only makes sense if either your camera is not fully locked, or you can reuse the pose in another shot…otherwise it would not make any sense. (Except for learning purposes)


depends on the needs, if the schedule is cramped and you need a shot done quick… be clever and animate only what’s needed (although that should probably be a general rule)… if the shot in question is re-using some cycle previously animated like a walkcycle or so… it’ll be there anyway. Also sometimes you need to animate what’s happening offscreen just for a simulation to bake correctly, or because you can see it in a reflection.