Adding a transparent image in with textures

I have a graphic of some slime I want to add to a wall. The wall is a simple 1024 X 1024 graphic of bricks.
Here is the slime with an .png Alpha channel.
It looks great as a stand alone ( I checked ) and is transparent, but how do apply it to the brickwork texture so it looks like its running down the walls.

Cycles or internal?

Steve, I’m using Blenders internal as I am just starting out with my Blender for Dummies in one hand and coffee in the other. I did work in the past as a professional artist for various companies but not 3D so I know what I want, but not how to get it. I’m not ready to tackle cycles yet.

In your textures tab, add the wall texture, and then the slime texture (below it).

Here the settings for the slime texture:
In the «Image panel», check ‘use alpha’
In the «Image Sampling» panel, under ‘Alpha’, check ‘use’
In «Influence» uncheck ‘RGB to Intensity’, and also the ‘Alpha’ influence.

It should work now.

Thanks all, GREAT! it does work, good for adding things like posters and graffiti. I was thinking of a sort of stain that I could use to add grunge and, in the case of slime or drips to see through to the underlying graphics. Or is this asking too much from the renderer? I can work around it by tweaking the artwork of the brick in a drawing package but the ability to vary the grottiness of the material would stop the pattern repeat kind of effect over a large area.
( who always bites off more than he can chew )

Don’t worry about over-taxing the renderer. Do what you need to make it look like you want… then bake the textures. That flattens all the images and let you save out a single texture.

I was thinking of a sort of stain that I could use to add grunge and, in the case of slime or drips to see through to the underlying graphics
Set the influence of the grunge texture to <1 to see the underlying brick texture

What are you exactly trying to do ? Show us

This was the effect I was after, I did what was recommended and, as you can see it came out OK
It would be nice if there wasn’t the black edge to the drips, but I can live with that. I’m aiming for a dark Dickensian London, very moody and lit with gas lamps.
Thanks all for the advice.

Thanks all for the advice. I got the correct result I needed by changing my graphics package to Corel Draw.