I learned about node groups and how to use image textures with fresnel

Joe at udemy has a great course. I am saying this because it was very helpfull to me about learning image textures normals bumps reflection roughness and the images and using it fresnel.
I paid 15 for the course I hope its still on sale. normally its 200.

I am posting this because I had a question about the course and Joe right away updated it and added a blend zip file for me to look at.
Plus it is information that is hard won. I cant find it anyplace else.

If Anyone would like to share info about creating photorealistic objects by using a camera making textures in photoshop 2017~15 and then tieding them all together with the nodes I would definatily want to know about it Free or not.

I was hoping for instruction on how to create my own image textures. I did make some but I am really in the dark about how best to use them. At least when we include fresnel nodes.

I am reading and I see how to do this with nodes and how they work but I am blown away when it comes to using fresnel with these. This is a Regular image, a bump made with photoshop 17 , normal made with photohsop 2017. So I am reading the Cycles Encyclopedia but not sure how to learn what I need to learn if I want to take best advantage of Blenders Cycles nodes. So far Joes Udemy is the only video that ties image texures to PBR. In my case I need to make my own image textures. Any tips Blends info videos courses… I want to learn all I can.


ExampleofimagetexturesUsingFresnel2.blend (2.7 MB) This file is packed “ExampleofimagetexturesUsingFresnel2.blend” this first one I could not get unpacked but this one test right. I hope the image textures will unpack for you

I packed the file so the image textures that go with it will “unpack” the wood textures into a texture folder. This shows an example of using nodes and pbr and image textures.
After you open the blend file, go to file-externaldata-unpack all into files.

So I am going to pick this pbr node group apart and experiment with it and find out if its possible for me to use this PBR node group to create my own with photoshop. A person needs to be able to take a picture of wood and make a texture themselves. It will open many doors. So I see how this all works here if I simply download the textures from a image texture website- the next step I have is knowing how to make my own PBR node group that works with my own custom textures.

http://www.blenderguru.com/articles/cycles-input-encyclopedia/ I am trying to get a better understanding about what the deference is between regular rays and shadow rays. ect types of rays that are immeted from the camera in cycles. I found a very good article that is geared to us righty brainers.