Collisions and physic types for AI and a player


Just recap, so collision boxes are set on the skeletons of AI and a player, I set a player as a character yet the object goes below the floor once it collides with an interior wall object.

Could you provide blend?

I haaaate character physics, mostly because I can’t force it to do my biding like static, or rigid body or dynamic.

I use compound physics so my feet can be a cone or a sphere, with zero friction and servo motion it works great, (I make my own friction)

Well, hmm, all i’ve used is just a few walls, with a person that can fall down off a floor, so what I’m trying to gather is, the skeleton needs to be a dynamic or character?

The character with a collision box can collide with a wall, but still go through it a little too quickly.

What is the solution to model AI or and a player and object interior buildings, keeping them inside an area?

Use a navigation mesh, use static physics type or learn how physics behaves for dynamic actors.

Using motion actuator, is like teleporting, you need linV or Force to move.

The difference between a FP and an actual model character is some, since I’ve only used FP’s.

I’m watching a clip called,
Blender Game Engine Simple Rigged Mech Warrior for Beginners - MechWarrior VS Tank FPS Series

A little slow here on the XP system, LOL!

It is an FP player.

Mesh is no collision

MESH parents to armature (no collision)

Armature parents to root.

A root is at the actors center of gravity with a simple bound like sphere or cube,
Check compound for the root object only

Add a sphere, move so it is under the actor, and the leading edge of the sphere will contact the ground.
Parent it to the root.

(compound parented physics shapes will not collide with each other, so don’t worry if they overlap a little.)

Now using servo motion

If w.positive:

    own.localLinearVelocity.y*=. 5 
    if own.localLinearVelocity.x <6:

This can push the cone or sphere hard enough to go up stairs

Also the
own.localLinearVelocity.y part cancles out sliding sideways while turning.

I tried a camera third person setup, so according to a Borncg video the camera is parented to the arm, so the arm is then parented to what? The actual mesh or skeleton? I tried the skeleton and it doesn’t work out. Borncg of course using a monkey head, no head on a body with a skeleton, so may be the result would be different.

I first tried the mesh, the camera rotates left and right, but the person object doesn’t rotate with it.

The arm is parented to the arm bones,

Use copy rotation constraints on the spine to a object you control with mouselook actuator



Mixing in slow parent yields really smooth and realistic aiming.
