
Hey there!

Could someone please help me?

Not so long ago i bought a new lap ACER ASPIRE V3 to work on.
Everything went smooth up until one day.
Rotating with mouse3 became very catchy and not smooth. Even with nothing going on in it but a cube.
Mouse over sections delay a lot same as the dropdown lists.
Whole thing seems “laggy”
Did a reset of windows 10.
Reinstalled Blender. Worked well for 2 minutes and went back into working slow again.

Any suggestions or help please?

Moved from “Misc: > Off-topic Chat” to “Support > Technical Support”

Perhaps it would be good to do a search of these forums. It seems that a number of people have had Windows 10 slowdown problems recently. Seems to be linked to out of date drivers.

sounds like bad drivers, DONT USE WINDOWS UPDATE DRIVERS!

if you have an nvidia optimus thing, then make sure both intel and nvidia are up to date.

Daedalus_MDW just confused me a bit by writing do not use windows update drivers!
I opened Device mngr and clicked mouse2 on Nvidia GeForce 710M “Update driver software” after running it came up saying that everything is up to date. But unfortunately Blender remains in its moody mode :frowning:
Is there any other way how to update drivers?
Thanks for your replies!

Happy days. Seems like I found an issue yet it made me confused how is it working with disabled driver!?
All I did was Disabled Nvidia GeForce 710M bit in Device Manager

Blender seem to be working fast again all areas are responsive and that sluggish feel is gone!