Help appreciated - How to find torso proportions correctly?

Hi all,
i’m quite new to sculpting anatomical figures, and with the following model i am struggeling with the torso. I’m currently blocking out the shape using mesh modelling before i start the sculpting. How can i achieve the correct ratio between rib cage, sternum and breast position? Would the rib cage flatten and deform in a position like this? What is wrong with the torso when looking at the top view?

Some basic advices would be nice. Thank you!

If you are starting with sculpting human figures, and you go for that pose, I hope you have good references! I search for a pose similar to that, and I see that the chest almost has no change, just a little.
I think that shoulders and legs are the things that you have to be more worried, right now. but with proper references you will have no problem.

Hi all,
i picked up my dancer project again and did some additional work; currently, the armpit challanges me the most, as it is pretty distorted and i can not find the triceps attachment points in the shoulders:

Leave some constructive comments if you like.
Thank you!

the side view looks really really good! The legs in the front view, look to massive.
In the armpit yes… you have a problem, remember that in that position the scapula goes to the side, so it has to be seen, and don’t make the coracobrachialis muscle so visible, make it more round. (unless you think that there is the triceps place) but the main problem is that you didn’t place properly the scapula.
Look at this image, the scapula is really on the side. You can see that the coracobrachialis is visible, and the triceps go back in the direction of the join. but because the scapula is on the side, is goes behind the dorsal mayor.