What's the math - bump

OK, Cycles. Suppose I set up a texture as per the image (don’t bother trying this one, it’s purely illustrative and I have no idea how it would look). What’s the relationship between the fbm bump and noise bump. Do they add together, multiply, average etc? I’m working on a material that relies on multiple procedural normals, passed through bump nodes and combined. I’m close to where I want to be, but it’s very much suck it & see.

If I knew the mathematical relationship I could work faster.

Plugging the normal output into an emission shader to debug, I mocked up two different ways and got the same result.

Looks like the pass through normal is added to the bump result.

1-Blender is open source…
2-You’re not going to like it, at least in the beginning.

oh - I am not sure how advanced the math for this is, but I have learned as advanced math as using differential equations such as laplacetransform for anti-aliasing formulas. Laplace and fourier transforms are used to simulate the wave calculation which is then used to convert the digital calculation into analog or sinusoidal (which is aliasing) calculations.

in short, it can get very advanced. Like 3rd or 4th year university math.