Proximity loop Mess

Hey guys and gals,

The blend file is here ----> Tbird-2.blend (550 KB)

There is a “plate/cover” on the side of the vehicle that is giving me trouble. I added loop cuts to outline the shape and then extruded inward. In order to keep topology clean and minimal, I deleted vertices and reworked it a bit. However, I have not been able to cleanly reorganize the mesh.

Any tips based on my current mesh state?


This was the best I could do quickly, not super happy with the triangles though, might try again later

Tbird-3.blend (514 KB)

Focus on the rest of the vehicle and just make sure you leave enough vertices where you want the hole. You can focus on the hole later when you apply 1 level of subdivision.

It’s easier to do it this order.
1.Create base mesh, make sure to leave enough geometry where you want finer details.
2.Make sure the base mesh is optimized for subdivision.
3.Apply the 1 level of subdivision and use the new geometry to start filling in the details.

Someone more experienced in hard surface modeling might give you better advice.


Tbird-2_ex.blend (520 KB)

Couldn’t help myself, removed the extra vertical loops :slight_smile:

Tbird-4.blend (625 KB)