Smoothing a complex object without affecting borders

Hi all,
I have made a mouse brain. It is composed of multiple objects that represent different cortical areas: motor cortex, sensory cortex. I have taken care to align adjacent regions using the “snap during transform” tool.
My problem is to smooth the objects without creating some sort of gaps in between them. I have taken an image before and after smoothing to illustrate.

Any tip how I should proceed to “smoothen” or “relax” the meshes while keeping a smooth surface. Thanks for any advice.

Most of the times, removing doubles and recalculate normals are the solutions for these problems…
In edit mode, W>Remove Doubles and CTRL+N for recalculate normals.

If the problem persists, please upload your blend file for a deeper check.

thanks for the fast reply. I’ve tried, but still the the “gaps” between regions.
here is the file. Thanks for your help


cortical regions_v7_retopo_Lucile_final_subdivided.blend (900 KB)

You need remove doubles. Go in edit mode select all (press A) and then remove doubles (press W and there is remove doubles). After that smooth works fine. Do also some ctrl+n to recalculate normals.

cortical regions_v7_retopo_Lucile_final_subdivided.blend (924 KB)

thanks MaciejG. I’ve done it but I haven’t got doubles and still see the gaps after smoothing (a bit attenuated maybe). Any other tip? thanks

OK, given the current topology of the meshes I assume subdivided them isn’t a requirement. So just select all the sections and hit smooth shaded then either add a edgesplit modifer to each mesh section and adjust the split angle as required, or enable auto smooth in the properties > mesh > normals panel and adjust the angle there. You may also want to look at using the Normal Edit modifier to help achieve a perfectly smooth look between sections.

As a side note, you also should really select the meshes and camera and rotate them -90 degrees to align them with the world. The camera is keyframed so you can either create an empty and parent the camera to the empty then rotate the empty -90 or place the 3d cursor at the origin and rotate the camera using the 3d cursor’s pivot point for each keyframe and re-key it.

Hope it helps!

cortical regions_v7_retopo_Lucile_final_subdivided_j.blend (310 KB)
influencing it with normal edit modifier