Need Help with Texture Painting terrain!


I am making an FPS game. I have made the terrain for my first level but when I texture paint it the textures are always low quality. How can I texture paint high quality textures? Is texture painting the best option for terrain?


3 options:

1: use a really large image to paint upon. (Not recommended because it slows the game down a lot).

2: use a stencil

3: vertex paint and use nodes to have textures based on the colors (best method in my opinion).

As you said you have levels, seems your map is static.
If the terrain does not need to be dynamic, create it beforehand.

Also think about cutting it into sections that can have lod.

use texture splatting

here is an example and a blend you can play around with.

Thanks for the quick reply (btw your game menu tutorial is awesome). Do you know where I could find a tutorial on the third option (vertex painting)?

I’ll make a tutorial about it sometime.

the test blend i posted in the above post already support vertex paint just connect the vertex color output from the geometry node to the splatcolor input on the splatting node and on the plane you go from object mode to vertex paint.

ok thank you a lot

That would be awesome, thanks!