Recalculate model`s grid


Is there any way in blender to recalculate model`s grid? For example, I have box with not well aligned grid and I want to recalculate grid and all verteces will change their positions to be on the same distance from each other and this recalculation not change the form of box (does not deform the original mesh).

Thank you.

As far as I know the only thing that kind of sounds like what you are looking for is the ‘snap selection to grid’ shift+s which will simple snap selections to the closest grid points currently visible. But it won’t/can’t maintain the original distances unless it was original created on a grid of the same size as the one currently visible within the viewport.

check looptools!

happy bl

But that would only work if the box in question was a square i.e. a flat plane. Looptools doesn’t have any options to align a three dimensional cube to the grid does it?

not in 3D only on one line for looptool
and do one line at a time to have same distance between verts

and just use the World and scale 0 X or Y or Z

happy bl