How to model a membrane vesicle?

I have been using blender for over 3 months, but I am struggling with modelling the membrane vesicle for my research project. I could model the basic lipid structure, but I had no idea how to assemble them like a sphere shape as a vesicle finally. I attach a image showing how it should like. Any idea or help would be really appreciated! Thanks

Perhaps with parenting?
You just need one pair of heads and tails for each side of the membrane.
Create a icosphere with a resolution of 5 or 6, and set the ‘Duplication’ to ‘Verts’.
On the lipid structure, select the icosphere as the parent, and turn the ‘rotation’ checkbox on.
(the lipid should be oriented in the Y axis)

untitled.blend (156 KB)
previous suggestion in .blend form

the Tissue add-on might be of use.

Thanks. I have tried in this way, but its hard to control the orientation of the lipid. I will try as you suggested, setting the lipid in Y axis.

Thank you. Can I ask where I can find this file or this post? Could you please send this the link of this post.

Hiya, thanks for the file. Can i ask where I can find this post?