Issue with rigging in animation...please help, aaayrghhhhh!!!

I’ve created a walk cycle with this Borg character. The character was linked in the cycle file from it’s original ‘Borg 8’ file. All was fine, then i did some alterations to the arms in the original file. Now his left arm seems to be duplicated, rather than mirrored, although it is still swinging in the correct contrary motion in relation to the right arm. I posed the walk cycle key frames using the shift+ctrl+v method (i.e. posing one side of the rig then copy/pasting the inverse pose to the other side). Now this copy paste function doesn’t seem to work either. Any help with matter would be gratefully received…i’m supposed to be animating this for commercial purposes.
Many thanks in advance Chamine

(Ps. suspect this is something to do with the roll/rotation of the left arm, but when try to adjust this i just seem to get weird, funkier results!)


Walk cycle 4.blend (725 KB)Borg8.blend (4.5 MB)

There seems to be an issue with the local axis orientation of the Left Arm Bones (Z-axis should look outward).
When I rotated upper and forearm by 180° (CTRL R in Edit mode) in the Borg8.blend, the walk cycle arm pose already looked better, but the back and forth arm sway wasn’t offset yet. By offsetting it (12 frames I suppose) the arm should swing correctly. I thing the fingers might have the same issue… haven’t tried to fix that.
Hope that helps troubleshooting in the right direction.