Adding Vertex Color to OBJ Exporter

I’m trying to modify the OBJ exporter to include vertex color in its own set of lines starting with vc.
I’m still incredibly new to python but I was able to modify it to the point that it outputs a color for each vertex.
Unfortunately it doesn’t output correctly and a lot of the vertex colors are lost. I don’t think I’m understanding the process for reading the vertex color values. The modification I made is fairly simple, the addition is below:

                        # Vert Color
                        vcol_data =
                        for l in me_verts:
                            col = vcol_data[l.index].color[:]
                            fw('vc %.6f %.6f %.6f
' % col[:])    


I slipped this in between the vertex and normal output blocks within
It’s not throwing errors and outputs a file successfully.
Would somebody kindly explain where I’m messing this up?