Spacestation - Nature inspired

Hey everyone!

I have been working on this sci-fi scene the last week and would really appreciate some critics. It isn’t done yet and I know there are some texture problems. I used Filmic Blender and the Microdisplacement which helped a lot. Other than that I like to see what you think.


I’m not quite sure what it is, but something just seems off… Is the image stretched at all? The door looks like it should maybe be circular… Otherwise, looks great! Better than I can do!

I think its the perspective, i changed it in order to make everything look bigger. The door is circular in the scene and i was also kind of sceptic about it, cant tell if it is off or not tho. Thank you!

I think its the perspective, i changed it in order to make everything look bigger. The door is circular in the scene and i was also kind of sceptic about it, cant tell if it is off or not tho. Thank you!

Would love to see multiple views of this.

Regarding field of view, remember that it is a byproduct of the gate size combined with the optics. That is, if you want to widen the field of view without having the CGI looking distortion as opposed to proper barrel fisheye distortion, try increasing the sensor size dramatically while lengthening the focal lenth.

Thank you for the advice, I tried to change some of those settings and changed the field of view. It really helped! I think I will go for something like this in the end. What do you think?

Details are good. Having good perspective can help everyone visualize it better.
I think there is too much coolness with all blue tints. Give some contrast tint also.

the CGI looking distortion as opposed to proper barrel fisheye distortion,

I actually need proper fisheye distortion for a scene. Of course I can just fake it in post, but is there a way I can get the camera to render all the curvelinear goodness of a fisheye distortion?

O that’s great, just what I needed! And I was so close, but never thought to switch to cycles.
Thanks troy_s!