[AddOn] Add Node Group Material

I seen several comments of people wanting to use a node group instead of diffuse shader when adding new material. I spent a couple hours and put this little thing together. If in edit mode and faces selected it will assign the material when it’s added.

Find a node group and save user settings, so selected node group will be the default.
Default needs to be saved to startup blend file.

Can search for node group to use, if you don’t want to use the default or didn’t save a default.

Of course here’s the new node group material added.

Where is your addon link to download it, please? A forgot, may be?

I’m fixin to post. I thought about something I needed to prolly add to it.

OK, well here’s the file add_nodegroup_materials4.zip (3.05 KB) not happy with it ,but ya’ll can play with it. I got like 5 different versions. The biggest thing is the way the node groups are made. Not knowing the outputs and names kinda hard to get it to work good.

Here’s a break down.

If there is a green output named “Surface” or “Shader”, the node group output will connect to “Surface” on Material Output.

If there is a green output named “Volume”, the node group output will connect to “Volume” on Material Output.

If there is a clear output named “Displacement”, the node group output will connect to “Displacement” on Material Output.

If there is a yellow output, the first node group output will connect a diffuse shader and then to Surface on Material Output.

If there is a green output with random name, the first node group output will connect to “Surface” on Material Output.