Werewolf motion tracking animation

my latest motion tracking fun, of as the title suggests a werewolf in my backyard.
Any comments most welcome.

wow, that was very cool. and nice tracking. however, one tidbit, the legs don’t move like that as shown in the tracked part. I see in your next sections the werewolf’s legs move naturally. nice job!

thanks for your comment, yeah the legs needed a bit of work!

Anybody interested in the model of this werewolf, it can be downloaded at the following link!

Looks good EXCEPT the un-realisticness of the wolf. Otherwise looked great.

Awesome!!! love it.

I even like the model and animation, what spoils it to me is that the framerate from the footage and the animation seem to be off. The werewolf`s got more frames per second than the footage.

Good tracking, Nice work!