Frame rates - how do I convert to "unsmooth" animation?


If I spend a lot of time
animating a character walking for five seconds,
at 24 fps,
but then I decide the animation is too smooth,
and I wanna make it 16 fps,
while making the animation still last five real-life seconds,

how can I do this?


Nvm, I think I figured it out.

But it’s hard to figure out which way to convert numbers…

The general idea is:

Go to Animation

Shift+left arrow to rewind!!! IMPORTANT!

A-key to select all
Note: If they’re already orange, that means they’re already all-selected.

S-key to scale

Type in an appropriate number… But I dunno what’s an appropriate number…


Now the animation takes longer. Or shorter? Iunno.

Go back to Default

Adjust the frame rate accordingly…

And if you did it right, it’ll take just as many real-life seconds as it did before, but the animation will be less smooth (or smoother).

Thanks to whoever’s post explained this to me (sry, forgot which post it was).

First you need to make use of the ‘Dope sheet’ and the ‘Graph Editor’…

these operations your wanting to do are easy peezy in these windows…

also some videos

Thanks for your reply, norvman.
I’ll check it out if I need to.
(I’m looking at bge these days, now, but thanks anyways!)

  • sdhy.