Male portraite

Hi guys this is my latest work , what you think? Iam aiming for photorealistic male face so any critic that i can improve my skills is highly apreciate

And sorry for my english:no:

I be honest, if you aim to photorealsim… well you have to work a lot harder. for starters, the anatomy is really weak, the proportions are off. I said a lot to everyone… but if you work from memory, there is not going to be a realistic anything. You need good references, and you have to look hard at your references.
Also my english is really bad… sorry about that.
Now, just keep pushing your self forward!

Good start…

Are you using the sculpting tools in blender at all or are you just poly modeling?

if poly modeling… show us some wire frames…

your Lighting needs some work…

your Materials might be up to snuff but the lighting is really bad… can’t see the object very well…

my suggestion is to to start by learning to get you a good lighting setup first so you can display your work in the the … er um… best light… (pun intended… but point on nun the less)