custom bone shape orientation

When I assign a custom bone shape the orientation gets all screwy. The bone and the custom mesh are aligned.

This is my first time trying custom bone shapes…

Treat the mesh bone ctrl shapes Y axis as the World Z orientation and it will be less confusing Ie rotate the verts so they face the Y axis and all will be good, thats how I get around the confusion.

Thanks thats good advice!

I am able to make it work but I am wondering why in the heck they made Z change to Y?

At first I thought maybe because a lot of custom shapes are like hoops around bones but that still is opposite… Makes no sense to me.

Can someone enlighten me on this ?

Not really sure why the difference in axis is the way it is. Yes, it’s not very intuitive, but I’ve never found it confusing. Normally, I create the custom bone shape and assign it to the bone. Then I enter edit mode for the custom bone shape mesh, select all verts and translate/rotate/scale as needed until the bone shape appears where I want it to be on the bone/character mesh.


Since I dont need any bones to be connected, I figured out to rotate the bones so that I am looking at the bottom. Then it lines up.

I am simply using bones with custom shapes as a label/handle so that I can save poses.