Blender and mocap - where are we with that in 2017 ?

I am looking into using (2) Kinect v2 sensors for mocap and I don’t really see much of a choice when it comes to software. There is Brekel and iPiSoft. The former produces too much jitter, the latter is too expensive (and not without various issues).

Can anyone recommend reasonably priced and robust software to capture performance using (2) Kinect v2 sensors (or multiple PS eye cameras) and not having to do too much of a clean up manually ?

Is Blender going to get any kind of mocap system this year ?

Motion capture and motion capture processing are different things, I would like to see some mocap processing tools in Blender instead of having to work in Motion Builder (I think there is something but I don’t know it too much, I don;t know if you can do proper cleanup, retarget, feet control, etc… ) but I don’t think we will se any motion capture features in Blender, in fact IMO Blender is not a motion capture software, they do a very different thing, specially the ones you spoke about, they are markless mocap softwares, maybe something can be done with the 3d tracker and using some markers in the actor, but I don’t think we will see anything similar to Brekel or iPisoft.

We use the latter, and yes, it’s a bit expensive and it’s rental only, something that I don’t like at all, but Brekel is not comparable, and the result using 6 PSMove cameras is very good, but it needs cleanup in any case, and I think that with any mocap system you will need to cleanup the captures.

Were I would like to see evolution is in the mocap and cleanup features, and of course I would like to see some initiative for some Open Source markless motion capture software, I would like to donate to it all the money we have to spend in iPisoft when we use it.

BTW, just in case it’s not clear, this is how I personally view things and how I think they are, but I may be wrong when I say I don’t think we will see anything about markless motion capture inside blender :slight_smile:


Well, yeah, there is always manual clean up in mocap. Just depends of how much of it is needed :slight_smile:

Would you say that Brekel is not a good choice at all?

How much clean up iPiSoft results require ?


You can use Ikinema for your mocap clean ups.

This software is amazing and I highly recommend it.

Here is a tutorial you can check out;

This one is my favorite;

Best regards;

Would you say that Brekel is not a good choice at all?

Should give you an idea if it’s for you. Found the 360 Kinect version clean enough for a markerless single view solution. Just avoid occlusion, and noisy (IR) environments. Keep as close as possible without clipping or cropping the subject, etc.

Pro Body 2 might have multi Kinect support as well by now.