superimpose or multi layering in VSE

  1. i import a clip to the base layer then import second clip which is smaller resolution and then set the blend mode to ‘over drop’ . I then turn on ‘image offset’ so now the second clip will be superimposed on top of the base layer. Then i want to do further transformation to the second layer clip, so i add ‘effect strip/transform’. But as soon as i apply this tranform effect , the transparancy of the second layer is gone. Now i no longer can see the background image (base layer) . How to fix this ?

  2. i have 2 layer strip/clip, then i want to apply the mask, so the the top strip will be masked out over the lower layer. How can i do this ? i already create a mask and add it in between the 2 strips . I tried combination of blend mode, but still couldn’t make it work.

I’m afraid that I’m full-stopped by that bit about “which is smaller resolution.” You could be in a trouble-zone with that.

      • “and, having said that …”

I normally tackle any “interesting” problems by using the compositor, not [any] video editor. I’ll set up a blend-job that uses the two strips as image inputs, and then manipulate them using whatever compositing-nodes are needed. (Also: all of the files throughout my pipeline are “MultiLayer OpenEXR!”) Use this to produce a new output that can then be used in the video-editor of your choosing.

In my humble, “video editors are exactly that … editors!” Don’t ask them to do special effects.

My use of “MultiLayer OpenEXR” is extremely significant: these files capture multiple layers of actual renderer output, including layers that describe many attributes such as Z-depth and so on.

Now, these can’t help you much if all that you’ve got to work with “really is [just] video.”

If you set the source strip to alpha over or over drop it will be overridden by the next effect you apply. So the Transform effect also needs to have its blend type changed to overdrop or alpha over. Remember that the order that you do this stuff matters as well. If a mask goes on the first layer then it should move with the transform effect. If it goes on top then it shouldn’t move.