Cartoon Style?

I’m fairly new to Blender and have been wondering how to make more cartoonish (almost 2D) looking characters and models.

It was particularly after seeing this that I really got to wondering how to achieve the look:

Im sure it’s pretty simple and I’ll be embarrassed to learn how simple it is, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to ask as a way to introduce myself to this community.

Perhaps you should first redefine your notion of what ‘simple’ is.
The animation and art style in the link you provided does not look
‘simple’ at all. In fact, it is very high-quality and the pipeline involved
in making it is probably quite complex.

There is no magic formula for modeling ‘simple’ (sic) cartoon characters,
it is exactly the same as with modeling anything else really. The choice of
your preferred 3d software makes absolutely no difference whatsoever.
It takes experience, skill and a good eye for form, detail and color.

Depends also what you want to use these characters for; games, animation, stills?

Other than that, just dig in, with some good references, and take one step at a time. Good luck!

Oh, I hope I didn’t sound like I was asking for a magic “Make my work amazing” button in order to achieve THAT SPECIFIC look. I don’t know how to describe the look I’m wanting to look more into, other than I know OctoDad also has it. And I want to use it for animated short films. It’s “simple” in that it’s not going for photorealism, almost like taking a 2D cartoon and inflating them into the 3rd dimension. What I meant by it being simple to achieve that was expecting an answe like “Look into cell shading” or “Try looking into using/avoiding these shaders,”. I guess I mainly just want help being pointed in the right direction, as I don’t even know how to describe the style, less look up how to achieve a similar look. I hope that helps specify my question and help me seem less like someone who’s looking for one button to do it all.

3D? Freestyle… Check the Thread: Ryner - Frystyle (blend to download)

2D into 3D? Grease Pencil (vimeo) … Non-Photo Realistic / mixed techniques


Enough to get you going?

Thank you :smiley: hopefully this gets me off to a good start