Creating interactive end result


I would like to create a gallery/museum with pictures and videos on the walls that
I can walk through and look around.
Is this possible to achieve in Blender as a beginner?

Thank you in advance for any replies.

Yes, I think it is possible, and you go to learn some things in the process!
Game engine, UV mapping, and some more things.

yes, this is possible and not hard to archive, ill put a demo file for you to show you how to render movies inside blender.

this blend got a few cubes that renders a movie on all sides of a cube, you can change it into planes and put it against a wall.
video_to_texture.blend (510 KB) (change the movie source in the script (text editor) to a movie on your H.D.D.).

with images its just a plane with a texture on it, this is basic stuff.

look at texturing objects (if you need to learn how)

step by step text tutorial on render to texture

Thank you very much for your reply cotax :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply MADCello!